Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Went back into the pirate booty sketch. Looks more dynamic now. I'll be adding some things in there as well. I have an old piece of wood that will be the background of this thing, then I'll layer on top with wood cut-outs. It'll look cool when it's done. There's a little ode to the Pirates of the Carribean ride from Disneyland with the skeleton drinkin' the Rum.


Anonymous said...

how does a person go about buying this bad boy?
we're in ventura now, but will be heading back sat or sun. it's been raining - not snowing in WW. boo hiss. we'll keep you posted about next week. i'll see you Monday night I think. talk soon. is it lame i just wrote a whole email as a comment? i'm serious about the purchase...

greg oakes said...

nice booty! ew, she's missin' her leg!! ;) this reminds me of a really lame joke that you may not catch on to unless you're familiar with the name of my home town. here we go... q: what do you call a game show for pirates? a: winnipeg (win-a-peg). :\ *groan*